Thursday, December 2, 2010

Re: Randomness

why is it then?

what is seen
can never be felt

can I taste your lust on my lips
when we embrace?

you look at someone
and only see the parts
of your desire
and so cleverly justify his flaws
for a while anyways

we both look in the same direction
but see such different things
our memories still clinging on by a thread

where does the randomness come from
I thought of my childhood bowl
from which I ate so long ago

how could he be so cruel and thoughtless
that fact I do it all the time irrelevant

who then is right?
and who is left?

I once was a child
but now all I have is memories
even they will soon fade
into the presence of tomorrow

Some people think
some let other think for them
some dare to dream
some happy to exist

Both are fine with me
all singing to their own tune
all balanced so beautifully

Can anything really be vulgar
or is it just me?

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