Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Re: Slaves in a free world

It feels great to be alive
people like me now
I smile as I do up my Timberland boots,
I thought people would would like me for who I am
how wrong I was without my boots
nobody looked at me
nobody cared
they even used to laugh at me
for not having my boots
but now I am free
as free as a bird
flying through the sky in her Timberland boots.

I used to feel so cold
alone, unheard of, invisible almost
noone cared, noone asked, and noone wanted to listen
waiting for that moment for a look and a smile
when everyone was having fun
just a glimpse was what I pined
a glimpse of what could be
long empty nights
cold dark days
pretending something was of importance
knowing that I could vanish without a blink of an eye
noone would shed any tears
noone would tell my story
but now I have my boots!!

People care, listen, smile and even ask
my feelings are alive
as they race through people's minds
being approved my the social masteries
of the modern mind.

My friend once called me an introvert when she saw me talk on life
she then called me an extrovert when she saw me with friends
finally she settled for "introvert-extrovert" as it made sense
I was so happy to be defined by her wisdomery
Even though her words captured only the part of the moment
And my moments were never the same
For her I fitted the box,
without my bots she would never have looked
I dont care if nothing is real
I am alive in this world!! This world of words.

What then do we strive for?
A sense of what is real,
or a sense of recognition?
The real is a lonely place when I once lived, noone noticed,
noone wanted to accept, to see was a inconvenience>

My eyes may be glazed,
my mind fuzzy
bending with the moods of the fashioned minds
people laughed at my hat last year
but now it is cool, so I was early?
sometimes I still race
into the unknown mess
where words mean nothing
but incomplete noise.

A gentle swig of the Rum, some fake smells,
and a taste of oversensationed plastic
Always brings me back to the world happiness
the world where my boots tell the world I belong.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

recognise lifestyle with a conscience

This is a cool article, good see important people finally using their status to promote a healthy future.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Re: One and on

the detail only divides
so let's look at the overall view
it smells so nice to feel the whole
instead of being in the hole

my mind struggles with this
it strives to define
searching for words
I beg it to leave me in peace
just longing to feel alive again

I almost forgot
what it felt like to be born
delighting in the realm of unknown
everything was so new
so alive and so promising

now my senses feel dull
not even the red wine works
swigging by the bottle
worked its majic

lost in the mess
everything is not important
I long for something I lost
no idea when

then I see her for a second
my heart delights again
but it only lasts a second
as my heart remembers
the pains of reality
when my fantasy clashes with the truth
she too is human
and I lesser and lesser

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Re: Randomness

why is it then?

what is seen
can never be felt

can I taste your lust on my lips
when we embrace?

you look at someone
and only see the parts
of your desire
and so cleverly justify his flaws
for a while anyways

we both look in the same direction
but see such different things
our memories still clinging on by a thread

where does the randomness come from
I thought of my childhood bowl
from which I ate so long ago

how could he be so cruel and thoughtless
that fact I do it all the time irrelevant

who then is right?
and who is left?

I once was a child
but now all I have is memories
even they will soon fade
into the presence of tomorrow

Some people think
some let other think for them
some dare to dream
some happy to exist

Both are fine with me
all singing to their own tune
all balanced so beautifully

Can anything really be vulgar
or is it just me?

Puke it out, and lick it up.

Puking is a wonderful activity. It makes you feel so good and light and healthy. But people don't realize that all they have is a 6x6x4 inch space called their head where they have to live for the rest of their lives.

After a while the puke smells. And it doesn't let you sleep.

You hate your friend, You don't like your wife, You have a problem with your son.
You keep it in.. keep it in... keep it in... keep it in... you're getting full now... keeping it in... keeping it in.... one punch....
and PUKE!

"You're this and that .. and my shit smells better than your breath after brushing".
Wow... amazing

You wanted to say thing for SOO FUCKING LONG.

You feel so good. So nice.

Till the smell hits you.

Oh man... fuck.

Who's gonna clean this up?

Not me!


Who else?

There's no one.

Time... ahh my favorite sweeper.

Come come you lazy son of a bitch. Come take your years.

I'll live with the smell.

I've puked before and I'm used to the smell.

Oh time... You reliable lazy piece of shit.

Hurry it up please.

And then you look around and see the puke stains. and the smell which never left.

That your bed is actually the 27 years of puke stains.

That time can do only so much, with it's dry broom.

If only there was water.

Stand up. Get down. And lick your puke up.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Re: God Said to the World

Don't try to comprehend
what is incomprehensible
by a limited finite mind

Don't call me names
that limit
what is limitless

Feel what it is
your heart pines to share with you
if you stop pounding it with your useless desires

Stop and listen
breathe and feel
everything a little at a time

You will see the glimpses
of what is..

The Shift

The Shift happened on September 2, 2010 at 9:30 in the night.

I was on a train from Delhi to Indore to attend a cousin's wedding. I bought a book called "The new earth" by Eckhart Tolle. The book was "pinging on my radar" a lot. Mention by friends, Google ads, in blogs, in websites.

Traveling in train is a pain. I can't sit idle. I'm restless and young. I need to "do something". I need space for movement. I need to be Free. At least airlines has pretty young things asking you if you need something and with travel times not more than a couple of hours. Trains travels are long, with strangers for friends, who use formality as an tool to keep their luggage on your toes and their babies in your lap.

I needed something to DO.

I could read a book. I thought. Hey.. wait a minute. How about that Eckhart Tolle Book? Oh yeah.. let's get that one.

Thoughts thoughts thoughts.
Sometimes they do you wonders.

The book opened my life.

For the first time, I saw my ego, my pain, my life, my thoughts and above all.

I found myself.