Thursday, December 2, 2010

Puke it out, and lick it up.

Puking is a wonderful activity. It makes you feel so good and light and healthy. But people don't realize that all they have is a 6x6x4 inch space called their head where they have to live for the rest of their lives.

After a while the puke smells. And it doesn't let you sleep.

You hate your friend, You don't like your wife, You have a problem with your son.
You keep it in.. keep it in... keep it in... keep it in... you're getting full now... keeping it in... keeping it in.... one punch....
and PUKE!

"You're this and that .. and my shit smells better than your breath after brushing".
Wow... amazing

You wanted to say thing for SOO FUCKING LONG.

You feel so good. So nice.

Till the smell hits you.

Oh man... fuck.

Who's gonna clean this up?

Not me!


Who else?

There's no one.

Time... ahh my favorite sweeper.

Come come you lazy son of a bitch. Come take your years.

I'll live with the smell.

I've puked before and I'm used to the smell.

Oh time... You reliable lazy piece of shit.

Hurry it up please.

And then you look around and see the puke stains. and the smell which never left.

That your bed is actually the 27 years of puke stains.

That time can do only so much, with it's dry broom.

If only there was water.

Stand up. Get down. And lick your puke up.

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