Saturday, January 1, 2011

when you see what do you see?
a tiny part of a word
a word
a few words joined together
by a fleeting thought
that must make you feel so special
do you really think the group of words came from you
do you really think the focus of this should be you
or the object which your limited mind is trying to make sense of
do you think your limited mind can really comprehend the whole
a simple logic of past experience trying to make sense of what is before her

it will always be limited
by a past that is limited
and can never remember the whole
only parts it wants to see
to justify the needs of its present

so why is I ask you
you rely so much on this limited understanding
knowing it will never really understand
why is it I ask you
you believe this fool
who has lied to you so many time in the past
and will do again and again
laughing each time
mocking your whims and vulgar desires
as it serves each and every time
its masters will

sit with me a while and let me show you the futilities of your way
listen and watch with me as we see
how cruel and deceiving she really is
the one you trust so dearly
the one who tells you must have this
this will be the last object of your ultimate desire for happiness
until you open your eyes and look again
and then and then

watch as it unfolds
from one side to the next
each one as right as the last
each one as true as the next
until you see the million truths
each true to its own cause
each having its own just way

so which one will you chose know
now you know they are all right
and nothing ever was wrong
what now when you know
it never really mattered which one you chose
it mattered how felt your way through

did i ever stop to feel
always obsessed by the end being right
forgetting each stage and its beauties to be felt
I look at my chart with all the results so perfectly planned out
not remembering the people the places, the events
it was the right ending for sure
right for who though
if all the endings were right

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